Programme at a glance
Regular sessions
8 sessions.
Each regular session includes 1 invited talk (30 mins) and 6 oral presentations (10 min each)
ePoster sessions
3 sessions.
Each ePoster session includes 10 short ePoster presentations (3 mins)
Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
2 sessions.
Each session will include 40min lecture + questions:
Time-Activity Data, Model Fitting and Model Selection in Molecular Radiotherapy Dosimetry
Quality assurance in clinical dosimetry
Round table
- Dosimetry-driven molecular radiotherapy optimisation
Sponsor Session
A specific session (120 minutes) will be organised to allow sponsors to present their product and their involvement in MRT dosimetry.
Guidelines for presentations
Please pay careful attention to these guidelines which are intended to assist you by providing all instructions you may need. Please inform the Organising Committee ( immediately of any changes in presenting author or email address.
Communications accepted as Oral Presentation
Oral presentations should last 10 min including questions. Please plan your talk accordingly.
Oral presentations should be in PowerPoint or pdf format. No private computers will be allowed to be used for the sessions. All presentations have to be installed on the computer of the Symposium room by uploading them before the session. Identify yourself to the session chairperson latest 10 minutes before the session, and take a seat close to the stage.
Communications accepted as ePosters
ePosters should be in PowerPoint or pdf format. The format is quite free, but bear in mind that ePosters will be uploaded on laptops, and available to all during the Symposium. The conventional format: Intro/Material & Methods/Results/Discussion/Conclusion is preferred.
ePosters should be sent to the organisers ( before Nov 1st.
Each ePoster author will be given 3 mins to present their work during an ePoster session. Plan no more than 3 ppt slides. No question will be allowed after each presentation. The idea is to give the audience an overview of the work, present the author and allow further discussions during the Symposium.
Please upload the presentations well in advance, as ePoster sessions include 10 presentations. No private computers will be allowed to be used for the sessions. All presentations have to be installed on the computer of the Symposium room by uploading them before the session. Identify yourself to the session chairperson latest 10 minutes before the session, and take a seat close to the stage.
Any question should be addressed to: